The Entrecarder is For Sale!
April 17, 2008 - Over the past 3 months I've enjoyed building this site and brand, but I'm at a point where I'm ready to move on to other adventures. So, I'm putting it up for sale. Here's what's included:-50000 Entrecard Credits (parked at the moment) Blogger account
-Entrecarder[at] account
-Established Entrecard account that is currently ranked in the top 15 for popularity and top 3 in Blogging Resources category. Has Drop Master status.
-Rights to use any and all original content on this blog.
-Site Hoppin Beer Stock "Entrecarder"
-Twitter usernames "Entrecard" and "Entrecarder"
-Squidoo lens "Entrecarder" social network "Entrecard"
-Numerous other "Entrecarder" usernames on different sites
The Entrecarder could be a great second blog for someone who wants to be more active in the Entrecard community but doesn't want to muddy up their primary blog with reviews, contest entries, polls & surveys, and general Entrecard commentary.
Price? I'm in no real hurry to sell, so I'm willing to wait until someone makes me an offer that I can't refuse. The ECs are worth at least $200 and could be worth up to $450 should Phirate ever get the Credit Exchange up and running. Drop Master status takes a minimum of a couple of weeks steady dropping of 300 cards a day, and ranking in the top 15 for popularity also doesn't happen overnight. There is some value to the brand, what with the URls, email addresses and usernames, but just how much is hard to determine.
If you're interested in buying The Entrecarder, please send an email to the above gmail account or via the Entrecard message system. Payment via Paypal only.
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